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Whale MedicineTM

A PATHWAY FOR EXPANSION INTO GREATER POTENTIAL – is my personal practice, a reflection of the summation of nearly four decades as seeker, teacher, and metaphysicist. My exploration has been cross-cultural and multi-dimensional, symbolic and practical. Through workshops, graphics, and private and group sessions, I am delighted to share with you my WORK and its applications for self-healing and consequently for healing of the world within as well as around us.

The four precepts of WhaleMedicine are:

  1. the Breath – as the breath cycle – including the big full metaphoric monty from the first breath we take to the last; and more immediately, the process: from emptiness, filling to the point of capacity, and then releasing to emptiness.
  2. the Community – finding support within ourselves through adopting and creating processes; and finding support without (e.g., the consensus reality and the people around us) for realizing our dreams of unfoldment in the Beauty World.
  3. the Intention – know this: that that which we intend becomes our experience, then we understand that the Will powers intention ... but we must pay...
  4. ...Attention to the Intention lest the Will turn and bite us like an untamed lion!

A narrative:

[my thanks to Gael Nagel for permission to include images of her beautiful batiks with the following edited and re-printed article:]

river spirits batik
"River Spirits" – batik by Gael Nagel,

*Published in the HIGHER SOURCE, March 2000

Whale Medicine*

Summer before last, next to the Breitenbush River as it tumbles through the Emerald Forest, I stood surrounded by the spirit of Grandfather Cedar. In the center of a sacred copse of these most generous and loving Ancients I was told: "We stand with you, especially as you perform saintly and lofty deeds for the benefit of humanity."

I of course wept for joy; I had been noticed, and my love for Grandfather Cedar and the forest (For Rest) acknowledged. What enormous support these stalwart ones were offering me.

Similarly, now that I have "met" and been approached by members of the resident orca whale pods of the San Juan Island region, I am feeling blessed by their loving and monumental presence in my life.

[A story:] Last year a new suitor flew up from his home in the Bay area to visit me ... I was very flattered: I picked him up at the airport, presented him with flowers from my garden and availed my body to him. A couple of times he suddenly requested, "Say you Love Me." How can I declare something like that which does not rise from me in the moment like the living air that I breathe – authentically, from Spirit?

During our last day together, we made a circle of Discovery Bay in our double kayak. As we approached the beach, I warned: "I'm gonna slip off & swim ashore!"

When I got to where I could stand chest-deep in the water, I started bouncing and bobbing and flinging joyous showers of sea water exuberantly into the air. Without thought or pretense, I began ecstatically declaring: "I Love You! I Love You! I Love You! ... Mother Ocean!"

On the way home from dropping him at the airport, I recalled how Jay's and my eyes had met for a poignant moment after my passionate declaration ... to... Mother Ocean. "Now what was that all about?", I wondered.

Then I considered the endless hours I had once inhabited the warm sea off of the island of Bimini in the Bahamas. For many months baked by the sun and dazzled by the azure blue, free diving and dreaming became merged. I shot ethereal angel beauty vision photographs underwater ... and occupied my mind with my own explorations of metaphysics; engineering, healing ... while recording numerous instances that proved the beneficence of the universe to my free spirit.

The veil parted many times for me. I had experiences of breath extension and prana absorption under water. Also, my unaided eyes seemed to be my clearest lens to my underwater world.

Remembering precious underwater moments, I encountered a dilemma: I have not considered cross-species incarnation in my personal cosmology; then I took a leap over my intellect: spontaneously, I experienced a journey side by side with K-pod orca whales, flanking and diving and turning with me.

orca batik
"Orcas" – batik by Gael Nagel,
I was driving my car on a busy freeway while I was experiencing this vision. I felt the mass of my companions, the pulse and pressure of the refreshingly cool sea water rushing by. I sensed that we were swimming off the SW end of San Juan Island. We were deeply connected family, intuitively and purposefully and energetically – each other.
Last summer I sat with a circle of hu-man companions cradled by a green bowl of turf tucked into the rocky Friday Harbor-side of San Juan Island. We had opted for staying ashore instead of attending the midday whale cruise ... We needed time for our-selves after the excitement and delight of the morning's meeting with J-pod orca whales while we had been aboard the Glacier Spirit. We were the guests of our friend and Whale Biologist, Heather Harding; and were excited to be in the company too of author and animal communicator, Penelope Smith from Point Reyes, CA. Heather had updated us with the season's pod news: a young mother whale was missing from her family group and her 3-year old orphan was being reared by Uncle Everett and Everett's sister as well as his mother. Everett's sister had given birth to her own calf this year. Heather cooed and crooned whenever Grannie (J-2) and Ruffles (J-1) came into her field of vision. She commented that we were seeing mostly the elder whales that day. J-Pod was the first and, for now, the only pod that had returned to summer home territory as the resident whales of the San Juan Islands group.

We sat in our circle on the turf: Raven and Erin didged while the rest of us toned. An hour could have passed before I took stock of my body through squinted eyes: I noticed that my arms were out-stretched and rotated in my lap ready to receive the gift of a baby whale. I saw the whale as dead. I asked who had given me this gift. The answer: "the Elders of J-pod." "What would you ask of me, Dear Elders; should I campaign to clean up the oceans so that baby whales might stop dying? Should I travel round proclaiming for Mother Ocean, my true Love??? My heart aches so greatly!"

The answer comes: "NO, silly shaman womyn, see how all is Energy. Energy flows in waves, circles and pulses. Primal. Seeing the baby whale as dead is a giveaway to your energy level! The baby whale is you, dreaming to come into reality recognition. Dwelling in the sadness and overwhelm now, can it compete with taking a "journey" with US? YOUR HIGHER SELF! We are Whale Elders, giving you Whale Medicine... lessons in focusing intent, dwelling ecstatically at the Heart Center, and dancing to the Universe singing."

The Whales are responsible for her new name, SeaHeart, adopted after a dream in August 1998. (Her former pen name was Dodhi Longdrink.) SeaHeart lives and swims off Port Townsend. She has an energy medicine practice known as "A Healing Place Within". She offers – in addition to therapeutic massage modalities including Chua K'a and CranioSacral therapy – AcuTonics and other healing-with-sound modalities; Tantric workshops, Akashic record consultations, Sweat Lodge and ceremonial work. She is a member of W.H.A.L.E. -- Whale Human Alliance for Life on Earth and of the Womyn’s Way Long Dance Community. Reach her at E-Mail:

In many of the breath and imagery exercises that I offer (refer to Meditations on this site), the breath ascends the inner landscape through the Pranic Tube – the central inner core of our bodies joining the perineum’s Gate of Fire to the sacred heavens’ realm through the Crown Chakrah. This tube is traditionally comprised of a spectrum of ascending chakrahs or energy centers (Quetzecoatl). And this "tube" cannot be dealt with emphatically and joyously enough!! But as you will begin to reflect: its essence is reflected "everywhere" in our symbols of power and creation.

Diagramming our pranic tube in electromagnetic terms, would include the pranic tube as the central core of a torroidal field (or enigmatically – the hole in the donut or black hole in space!) – the escaping and returning energies at our crown and perineal chakrahs. The mystery of the upwelling energies; and the in-flowing dynamic of the generation of life from the mystery – that is what we will explore.

When we as an individual are "working right", the pathway from earth to heaven [pranic tube] is open and conducive to the movement of energy through the many systems that comprise our whole physically manifest being – the "hole in the donut" no less.

In Whale Medicine we work to Understand and travel the tube – the pathway between the north and south poles; the pathway from earth to heaven and heaven to earth; the pathway of the ascending and descending double helix ...... through an image-color-and-sound generation system that brings the inner landscape ALIVE to our awareness.

In WhaleMedicineTM work, 13 nested energetic systems are identified and vitalized through visualization of the associated symbol and its color, and through sound, and through the breath.

The New Tree of Life


The graphic depicted above is the cornerstone of the Whale Medicine work and is fully elucidated in the Work. For a carefully color-balanced print and how to obtain, see Gallery.

If you have a familiarity with the ancient form of the Kabalah (aka the Tree of Life)... you will note that through overlaying its form on the "New Tree" of Life that three new sephera emerge to "complete" the tree. In the intuitive teaching that I have received, these sephera further develop the tree – they have either been forgotten or suppressed and without them (in my view) full human potential cannot be achieved because the process is missing these elements: In the "female" column on the bottom left the manifestation is of alchemical magic; in the "male" column on the bottom right is the will to guard this magic on the physical plane (LOVE nature). In the center column, the thymus emerges – the heart protector / keyway / veil for allowing the passing of good spirits.

WhaleMedicineTM is passed through workshops and gatherings on the Central Oregon Coast and throughout the northwest. Requests for presentations in other locations happily entertained.